Country : Germany
Genre : Thrash Metal
Release date : 2013
Version desc . : 1CD / compilation
2013年合集,歌曲包括1985年EP"In the Sign of Evil"和1986年專輯"Obsessed by Cruelty"
Tracklist :
In The Sign Of Evil
1. Intro 0:14
2. Outbreak Of Evil 4:34
3. Sepulchral Voice 4:31
4. Blasphemer 3:06
5. Witching Metal 3:13
6. Intro 0:38
7. Burst Command Til War 2:43
8. Outro 0:15
Obsessed By Cruelty
9. Intro 1:54
10. Deathlike Silence 5:07
11. Brandish The Sceptre 2:56
12. Proselytism Real 3:31
13. Equinox 3:33
14. Volcanic Slut 3:22
15. Obsessed By Cruelty 5:48
16. Fall Of Majesty Town 4:01
17. Nuctemeron 3:00
18. Pretenders To The Throne 2:40
19. Witchhammer 2:03