Country : USA
Genre : Brutal/Technical Death Metal
Release date : May 24th, 2005
Version desc . : 1CD
"ANNIHILATION OF THE WICKED" 爆破四肢和充滿史詩般氣氛成了NILE的商標。 結實的吉他釋放出鋒利刀鋒,無情的鼓聲推擠了人類的承受力極限,而惡毒的人聲比以前未有的簡潔,精確和平衡的攻擊來發動打擊。 世界一流的製作由Neil Kernon (Queensryche,Nevermore)執行。
Tracklist :
1.Dusk Falls upon the Temple of the Serpent on the Mount of Sunrise 00:51 instrumental
2.Cast Down the Heretic 05:45
3.Sacrifice unto Sebek 03:03
4.User-Maat-Re 09:14
5.The Burning Pits of the Duat 03:52
6.Chapter of Obeisance Before Giving Breath to the Inert One in the Presence of the Crescent Shaped Horns 05:21
7.Lashed to the Slave Stick 04:18
8.Spawn of Uamenti 01:14 instrumental
9.Annihilation of the Wicked 08:36
10.Von unaussprechlichen Kulten 09:46